Máscara De Gas

máscara de gas, Consider the timing. In the lead-up to the market’s crash, two important things happened. First, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, considered by many the Democrat establishment’s best hope for derailing Sanders’ nomination, flopped big time in his first-ever debate. The billionaire New Yorker entered the contest last fall when progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was surging in the polls. Bloomberg feared that a weak former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner at the time, was not going to beat her. He proposed himself as the moderate who could best defeat Donald Trump.

máscara de gas - By late February, Bloomberg had already spent an unprecedented hundreds of millions of dollars buying airtime and endorsements, campaigning on his successful three terms as mayor. He was rewarded with rising poll numbers and seemed like a possible winner in the event of a brokered convention. The Nevada debate on Feb. 19 was Bloomberg’s first at-bats, a chance to be seen on nationwide TV and to mix it up with his rival candidates. Hopes were high that the pragmatic, smart businessman would emerge as the credible alternative to the fellow President Trump calls Crazy Bernie.

máscara de gas, It was not to be. Ratings surged for the debate as millions tuned in to see Bloomberg in action, only to witness a major face plant. Bloomberg’s ascent in the polls stopped cold, and moderate Democrats suddenly confronted the very real possibility that Sanders would run away with the nomination. In the two days after the Wednesday debate, the market started to slide, with the Dow Jones Index closing 128 points lower on Thursday and down another 228 points on Friday.

máscara de gas - On Saturday, Feb. 22, the aging socialist from Vermont scored a shocking knock-out in the Nevada caucuses. Not only did Sanders win, but he won with 46.8 percent of the vote, a much higher tally than expected. The outcome stunned political analysts. Up until the Nevada contest, the conventional wisdom held that Bernie’s army comprised at most 30 to 35 percent of Democrats; in Iowa and New Hampshire, for instance, he won 26 percent of the vote. Most assumed that he might win the most delegates going into the convention, but that he would never reach a majority or even a sizeable plurality. Absent a big lead, Sanders might be pushed aside at the convention in favor of a more unifying candidate.

máscara de gas - The Nevada outcome shook that assumption. Suddenly, it appeared that Sanders had the momentum and that he might roll up victory after victory on his way to the nomination. In the aftermath, professional odd-makers gave Sanders a 57 percent chance of becoming the candidate; nobody else was close. The Monday after the Nevada caucuses, the Dow lost more than one thousand points, kicking off the worst week since the financial crisis. To be sure, the spread of the coronavirus also played a major role in the market tumble. The number of people stricken outside China, and especially in South Korea and Italy, alarmed an anxious world. It became clear that the disease would inevitably wash up on our shores.