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n95 mask in bangladesh, TRUMP ADMINISTRATION FORMS NEW CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE COMMITTEE Trump’s initial response, back on Jan. 31, was to bar foreign travelers recently in China and quarantine or monitor American travelers returning from China. Presidential aspirant former Vice President Joe Biden bashed Trump’s travel restrictions as “reactionary,” but truth is, they worked. You can’t fight a virus with political correctness. So far the U.S. has been more successful than open-border European countries in minimizing the impact on local residents.

n95 mask in bangladesh - Trump’s travel restrictions slowed the arrival of the virus, sparing our hospitals from a sudden surge of patients sick with an unrecognizable disease. Those travel restrictions also bought the U.S. time to develop a diagnostic test, alert hospitals and adapt its longstanding pandemic flu plan to the specific features of coronavirus. As President Trump has pointed out, seasonal flu sickens tens of millions of Americans each year and kills tens of thousands, while the U.S. has identified only a handful of locally spread coronavirus cases and no deaths at all. But there’s a reason his health officials are responding seriously to this novel virus. It spreads faster than flu and is over forty times as deadly, with a mortality rate of 2.3 percent compared with the flu’s 0.05 percent. It is also harder to contain because infected people can spread it even when they have no symptoms themselves.

n95 mask in bangladesh, No one knows whether this virus will spread here or fizzle out. In an alarming statement on Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Nancy Messonnier cautioned the public to prepare for “significant disruption of our lives” if the virus spreads. She laid out what governments at all levels would do. The broad contours are first, preparing hospitals and doctors to treat infected patients and identifying their contacts who may also be infected. Secondly, closing schools (which Japanese officials did this week) and encouraging people to stay home. School closures helped stopped the spread of H1N1 flu here and in Canada and Mexico in 2009. Thirdly, disinfecting public spaces. Think subways, busses, arenas and airports.

n95 mask in bangladesh - As of Friday, Messonnier reminded the public that the risk to Americans  remains “really low.” Even so, to reduce that risk and raise public confidence, the federal government should take three steps now, without waiting to see if the virus explodes here. Install hand hygiene dispensers in every airport jetway and check-in area Travelers carrying the virus still pose the biggest risk to the U.S., despite some signs of local spread. Coughing and sneezing spray viral droplets but they only reach six feet. More significant is the risk of touching a surface after an infected person’s contaminated hands have touched it.  The virus can live on hard surfaces such as check-in touch screens and railings for as long as 9 days.

n95 mask in bangladesh - CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR OPINION NEWSLETTER MIT researchers estimate that improving travelers’ hand cleanliness by installing the airport dispensers could reduce viral spread by double digits. Don’t let this crisis go to waste Congress and the Food and Drug Administration should act now to remedy our dangerous over-reliance on China for the raw materials used in antibiotics, lung and breast cancer drugs, anti-virals such as Tamiflu and blood thinners. What’s needed are tax and regulatory incentives to push pharmaceutical companies to bring their supply chain home. America wouldn’t rely on China to manufacture our fighter planes and tanks. Depending on China to stock our medicine chests and keep us alive is just as crazy.