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buy n95 mask united kingdom, We must continue to monitor people who come to the United States. It is clear that Trump’s decision to implement travel restrictions has reduced the threat of importing coronavirus and kept the United States safer. One key concern is to develop new capabilities for early detection of the virus, so people can easily distinguish the common cold, the ordinary flu, and coronavirus. Another key concern is to increase the number of medicines which can be used to heal a person if they do become infected. Timely health care intervention seems to have a dramatic impact on survival rates. Some of the Chinese death rates may have been a function of inadequate treatments – especially for the elderly. (There are reports of substantial fatality rates among some nursing homes in Wuhan for example.) Also, we need to figure out why some people who appear to be recovering from the virus begin to relapse.

buy n95 mask united kingdom - There is a substantial effort underway to develop a vaccine. This is important because we must consider the real possibility that coronavirus will behave like the regular flu and disappear in warm weather and reappear in the fall. There is a real possibility that sometime next year we will have a vaccine just as we vaccinate against the common flu. Ironically, it is the expertise of the pharmaceutical industry which is being brought to bear to potentially save millions – and even tens of millions of lives. The next time you hear the American pharmaceutical industry attacked, you might remember how vital it is when we need it. Proposals that would undermine and even destroy our research capabilities are proposals that will cost millions of lives in the future.

buy n95 mask united kingdom, CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER America has the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the finest epidemiological center in the world. We have in the National Institutes of Health, the largest and most capable biological research system in the world. It is at times like this that our investment in these capabilities is seen as truly vital and wise. A key question is how much we will need to spend to accelerate research and moving treatments from the laboratory to your medicine cabinet. Some Food and Drug Administration protocols and regulations may need to be revised to maximize the rate of getting the new drugs to the patients who will need them.

buy n95 mask united kingdom - Finally, we have to examine thoroughly local public health plans. When San Francisco announces a public health emergency before a single case has been reported in the city, some tough questions need to be asked. In a city which has thousands of homeless people living on the street – and in which the district attorney has announced he will not prosecute public defecation and urination – how would you quarantine homeless people if they became infected. San Francisco is faced with an impossible dilemma: Take the virus seriously and change the pattern of disease-breeding lack of law, or accept that there is a large vulnerable population on the streets who would be very susceptible to an epidemic.

buy n95 mask united kingdom - Beyond health issues we also must confront the danger to our economy the Chinese meltdown is posing. There are a surprising number of medicines, face masks, syringes, and other medical supplies which come from China. There are a significant number of American companies that will have their production disrupted because they rely on Chinese parts in the logistics chain. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP One step toward recognizing how unhealthy our reliance on Chinese production is would be to create a one-time tax credit for insourcing production which has been outsourced to China. We might well convince a substantial number of companies to bring their production home to the United States now that the precariousness of the Chinese system is so obvious.