Italy Coronavirus

italy coronavirus, Frequent flyers may be especially nervous about getting sick during their travels amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and flu season.  (iStock) According to new research from Emory University, the safest place to sit on an airplane, interns of avoiding germs, might just be the window seat. Respiratory illnesses, like coronavirus, generally spread via a person coming into contact with an infected persons’ saliva or mucus. Droplets from a sneeze or cough can land on surfaces, such as tray tables or arm rests, and potentially infect a nearby passenger sharing the enclosed space.

italy coronavirus - However, study participants who sat in window seats had less interaction with other passengers — beyond those sitting within two rows of them — thus limiting their chances of interacting with an infected person, the study leads said. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP As the disease is transmissible between humans, check out these other safety tips for keeping yourself and your loved ones as healthy as possible amid the ongoing outbreak. As of Tuesday, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus (formerly known as the novel coronavirus) has reportedly infected more than 73,250 people across the globe, while the death toll has risen to at least 1,868.

italy coronavirus, A February report from the CDC states that the flu has caused at least 26 illnesses and 14,000 deaths between Oct. 1 of last year and Feb. 8. Fox News’ Michael Bartiromo, Alexandra Deabler and Madeline Farber contributed to this report.

italy coronavirus - Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel discusses the spreading of the coronavirus and the health concerns involved. The Chinese communist government increasingly poses an existential threat not just to its own 1.4 billion citizens, but to the world at large. China is currently in a dangerously chaotic state. And why not, when a premodern authoritarian society leaps wildly into the brave new world of high-tech science in a single generation? The Chinese technological revolution is overseen by an Orwellian dictatorship. Predictably, the Chinese Communist Party has not developed the social, political or cultural infrastructure to ensure that its sophisticated industrial and biological research does not go rogue and become destructive to itself and to the billions of people who are on the importing end of Chinese products and protocols.

italy coronavirus - BLOOMBERG NEWS EX-REPORTER'S WIFE SAYS HIS LAWYERS THREATENED TO 'RUIN' FAMILY OVER CHINA REPORTING Central party officials run the government, military, media and universities collectively in a manner reminiscent of the science-fiction Borg organism of “Star Trek,” which was a horde of robot-like entities all under the control of a central mind. Thirty years ago, American pundits began gushing over China’s sudden leap from horse-drawn power to solar, wind and nuclear energy. The Chinese communist government wowed Westerners. It created from nothing high-speed rail, solar farms, shiny new airports and gleaming new high-density apartment buildings.