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coronavirus mask n95 amazon, Huge increase of cases throughout the world. Other nations are watching an exponential increase in coronavirus infections. South Korea reported 505 new cases in a single day. Japan has closed all schools nationwide for the month of March. In Iran, the Vice President has coronavirus, so do several Members of Parliament. Saudi Arabia has shut down pilgrimages to Mecca. TRUMP RAILS AGAINST DEMS 'WASTING TIME' AMID CORONAVIRUS THREAT Here in the U.S., we have our first coronavirus case of unknown origin; it's not linked to travel. That's an ominous sign. We will certainly have many more. Currently, California is monitoring 8,400 people for signs of the virus.

coronavirus mask n95 amazon - The world is panicking over this, and there's a reason for that. In China, the virus has already killed more than 2,500 people -- but that's only if you trust China's numbers, which no sober person does. The actual number is likely much higher than that. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER But that's just the beginning of what we don't know. We're not really sure how coronavirus spreads. We don't know what the mortality rate is over large populations, especially as health services become overstretched -- and they will.

coronavirus mask n95 amazon, At this state, we're not even sure where it came from. But there is something we do know and it's this: A lot of the people who should have been preparing to defend us from this have not been doing that. The CDC, which is America's main line of defense against infectious diseases seem to be caught off guard by it. The Center bungled the testing rollout for coronavirus. That means that still only a few hundred people in America have been screened for it. So what was the CDC doing instead? Well, it was doing a lot of things. According to information from, two years ago, CDC gave Georgia State University three-quarters of a million dollars to study social determinants of health in a diverse neighborhood in Georgia. What did they learn from that experiment? Nothing that helps us fight a rising pandemic.

coronavirus mask n95 amazon - Another $300,000.00 CDC grant funded to look at how an American Indian tribe in Washington State could improve health outcomes by eating traditional foods. Go to the CDC's website sometime. It includes an exhaustive section lecturing parents on how to properly administer timeouts. One suggestion from the CDC puts toys in timeout instead of children. Who is in favor of this garbage? Nobody, really -- least of all the many good people at the CDC, and there certainly are. In fact, you've got to think the overwhelming majority of doctors and researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are there because they passionately want to control and prevent diseases.

coronavirus mask n95 amazon - It's not their fault. It's our policymakers who cannot resist making everything ideological. Their main goal is not keeping you safe. If it was, they wouldn't be letting rapists out of prison and pushing weed on your kids. No, their real interest is getting richer and more than that, feeling good about themselves. Protecting America does not make them feel good about themselves, it makes them feel guilty. When President Trump imposed even mild travel restrictions on China last month, they attacked him as a bigot, as he pointed out Wednesday night.